Declaring your Major by College
To declare a major in the College of Arts and Letters, you must earn a grade of C or better in ENGL 110C English Composition and complete 30 credit hours. Contact your chosen major department advisor for major declaration.
o declare your major in the Darden College of Education & Professional Studies, contact your chosen major department advisor.
Admission to a major in the College of Health Sciences is managed through a separate application process, apart from admission to the University. Acceptance to the University does not constitute or guarantee acceptance into a health science major.
The major declaration process in the College of Sciences varies based on the student's intended major.
To declare your major as Biology, you must first complete BIOL 115N/116N and CHEM 121N/122N with a grade of C or better and at least one semester of courses at Old Dominion. Once you have completed BIOL 115N/116N and CHEM 121N/122N with a grade of C or better and at least one semester at Old Dominion, you should register to attend a Major Declaration Session.
To declare your major as Psychology, you must complete 6 credits of Written Communication (ENGL 110C + another composition course), PSYC 201, and MATH 102M or higher, all with a grade of C or better. Once complete, please email for instructions on how to declare. Those unable to declare will meet with College of Sciences Advising. Please email Distance learning students should email
To declare a major in Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences or Physics, contact the chief departmental advisor.
To declare a major in the Strome College of Business, fill out the following form and submit it to your advisor.
To declare your major in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology, you must meet the following criteria:
- Successfully complete ENGN 110 and 111
- Earn 30 credit hours applicable to the degree
- Have an overall GPA of 2.0 or better
- Meet any other specific departmental admissions requirements (such as credit for ENGL 110C, a grade of C or better in MATH 162M and MATH 163 for engineering technology or MATH 211 and MATH 212 for engineering majors; and completed at least PHYS 231N for engineering majors and PHYS 111N for engineering technology majors).
Contact the Engineering Fundamentals Division in room 132 Kaufman Hall or call (757) 683-5877 for more information.
Admission to the Honors College is competitive and is based upon a selected group of first-year students based upon high school grade point average and curriculum, Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, class rank, and a written personal statement. Transfer students are eligible to apply and are admitted based upon a 3.8 transfer GPA, the ability to complete at least 48 credits towards the ODU degree in residence, and two letters of recommendation from college faculty members.